See how very excited we look.
When we got there we realized we were sitting in a figurative ocean of aggie blue and both of us had on maroon. We joked about how funny it would be if the team came out and their color was red. We thought we were SO funny until New Mexico made their appearance.
Simultaneously we started to roll up our sleeves (isn't it funny how sisters think so similarly sometimes.) in an attempt to look like were were not wearing red. We got pretty nervous Aggie fans are not known for how kind they are to opposing teams.
See how very nervous we look
We were both very tired and decided that we would just go at half time. I thought there were 4 quarters in a game and that we could go after the second one. Brittney and I watched the scoreboard and decided we would be ready to go as soon the "second period" was finished. The periods seemed to last forever. Finally it was winding down to the last seconds so we started to gather our things to leave. When to our surprise the crowd flooded the basketball court. "The game is over?" I exclaimed. We had thought periods, and quarters were the same thing and had ACCIDENTALLY stayed the whole game. How do you accidentally stay a whole game?