Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Comdey+Trauma = Tramedy

So we got a little snow today. By a little I of course mean a ton. Anyway I decided before I do anything else this morning I ought to help my mom and brothers shovel. So I layer up (a jacket, 2 coats, 2 pairs of gloves, tights, socks and a hat...what, I get cold easy?!) and head outside. After shoveling for a while mom asks for someone to put the garbage on the street. "No problem" I think and head over to the side of the house.
I brush off the snow and start trudging towards the street. I'd trudged maybe 3 steps before slip, crunch, ouch! I had slid and fallen on the snow and had taken the garbage with me. The bin had landed on top of me and having already used up all my strength shoveling I found I couldn't lift it. I was trapped, and it was SMELLY. Um...help I said without much hope since my family had gone to the neighbors. Lucky for me it didn't take very long before Dom rounded the corner and rushed to my aid. That my friends is what Simpson's and I call a comedy+trauma = tramedy.
For the Simpson fans this experience reminded me of the time Homer Simpson gets stuck under the tractor. By the time Dom had found me I was yelling, "Move the hand break!" :)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day

I have had this song playing in my head all day and for the first time I recognized in the text a feeling of both peace and power. For a moment I wondered how something could be both those things at the same time in my mind power and peace were opposites. Then I remembered the Savior and realized that there is nothing more powerful and nothing more peaceful. He is the The Mighty God, The everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace.
Have a wonderful Christmas