Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A heart to heart with my cardiologist.

Hey everyone I am home for Christmas Break finals are over and I love being home with my family. The Holidays are the perfect time for me to catch up with all my Doctors. I met with my cardiologist today and I thought I would fill everyone in what is going on with me and my dysautonomia treatment.

With the help of my doctor and my parents I decided not to get a pacemaker at this time. It is going to be something we do as a last resort. They are easy to get in, but have a low success rate for dysautonomiacs. Besides they are pretty hard to take out because your heart starts to grow around it. We are trying one new medication (hope it helps), but nothing else is going to change. He told us as he has the last few visits that I just need to learn to live with it, and adjust as best as I can. So that is what I am going to do.

I do Finally have a wheelchair ramp on my car. My dad did some seriously tricky work on it to get it to be what I needed. I love it and am pretty sure it is the most tricked out ramp around.

If anyone really wants to learn more about dysautonomia you can click on the links I have to the right or you can ask me.


  1. Be careful putting your chair away! Sometimes people try to run you over! Glad you have a ramp!

  2. I love the title of this entry :) I am also very impressed with your blogging skills. I can barely post words and pictures. You have video clips and links and all sorts of stuff...good work!
