Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Summer update number 2

Hi everyone. Lots has happened since my last post so I am just going to try and hit the highlights.

Number One: Summerfest...

We got to see fireworks,

Camile and Josh went on carnival rides,

Brittney and Dominic performed with Acting Up.

Number 2: Trip to Idaho...

We got to see lots of family some came all the way from Virgina (Shout out to Nathan, Aunt Samee, and Anna!)

We went fishing on two really beautiful lakes.

We did lots of boating, river rafting, and swimming even Sammy got in on the action.

Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Gardner for a wonderful trip, and congrats on 50 years of marriage.

Number 3: 4th of July...

We went to a BBQ at my Aunt and Unlce's house and watched some great performances at cul-de-sac of fire.

Last and least interesting I went to the cardiologist and nothing new happened. He said if I moved to Hawaii for the lower altitude and more consistent temperature, took a 6 month break from school, and tried some compression stockings then maybe I would feel a bit better. We are going to get the compression stockings this week. If any of you are moving to Hawaii and want some company let me know ;)


  1. I wish I were moving to Hawaii! That'd be amazing! Sounds like a pretty good summer so far! :)

  2. I would take you to Hawaii, Charlie, if I could find the 6 months (and the money!) It has been a fun summer with you, let's do something else soon!
