Tuesday, April 26, 2011

3 Months later

Yup it has been 3 months to the day since I had the stroke. How does one celebrate such a momentous occasion? I really wanted to put something funny up about strokes but there is an embarrassing lack of stroke humor out there.

Things are going well. I’m starting to get some energy back. I still blackout lots multiple times a day if I'm not careful, but I’m certainly able to do more then I was 4 weeks ago. If it is a short trip I’m able to go solo if it is a longer excursion then I use the walker or wheelchair. I even got to go to the mall the other day.

Easter was great. We had dinner with my Dads side of the family and instead of the traditional Easter egg hunt we had a piñata. I didn’t even dent the thing but my brother Dom destroyed it.

Thanks again to everyone who has done so much to keep me entertained and have blessed me with your prayers.

The family on the way to our delicious Easter Dinner

Dominic and our Easter piñata


  1. Charlie, I'm so glad things are going better! I love your sense of humor!! Thats fun you guys did a pinata. I bet your brother smothered it to peices, lol! Love you!

  2. Looks like a fun Easter! Glad you are doing better! We love you and think about you all the time!

  3. Charlie I just want you to know you are such an inspiration with your positive attitude and humor. I would be much more negative about your situation than you are!!! But that's a wonderful trait to have, because it makes life a lot better. I'm glad things are going better for you, and hope they contitue to go upward! Glad you had a fun easter with your family :)

  4. That van ride looks like the funnest! I bet you guys are a riot in the car. Glad you had a good Easter and also that you are improving.

    Love ya lots

  5. ah, Charles. I'm so glad you are doing better. Needless to say, we've all been so worried for you.
