Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pacemaker check up

Hello folks. I went to the cardiologist yesterday. They were just making sure the pacemaker was doing what it was supposed to. All I had to do was sit there. The nurse put a scanner on top of the implantation site and then they could tell me tons of stuff about my heart. It was like being on a star trek episode you know how they use those funny scanners and then suddenly know what is wrong with the patient. It was pretty cool.

I really have not felt any improvements since the implantation, so I didn't think the pacemaker was doing much, however the doctor said that it has actually been doing quite a bit especially for how long I have had it.

It is set up so that when my heart rate drops down below 50 beats per minute it will speed it back up. My pacer reported plenty of times when my heart rate dropped down into the 30s. This was kind of a surprise I never knew that my heart rate was dropping so low so quickly.

So all in all I still feel sick lots of the time, but the pacer is keeping my heart rate at a good level which means they are successfully treating part of my syndrome. My fingers are crossed that we will find other things to help other aspects. For now I am happy with the baby steps we are


  1. I'm glad to hear it is doing some good for you! Keep that optimistic smile on your face, pretty girl! You are amazing! :-)

  2. Glad to know it is doing it's job! It would be a bummer to have gone through the surgery for nothing! It is good to see you around here! I better take advantage of the next few weeks of being able to see you so easily! Love you!

  3. I'm sorry you're not feeling great but glad that it's helping. Slow but sure!

  4. phew! what a great thing. I'm sorry your not feeling the results, yet. it'll come. i'm sure ;)

  5. Can I just say that I'm so glad that you added that Star Trek comment in there. Jon teases me about being a "Treky" but I think he just isn't cultured. You always know where the good stuff is. And - by the way - I've had Les Mis stuck in my head this morning which reminds me of you. Love ya.
